The Foundation was pleased to be able to use funds to provide Endowment grants to support these volunteer organizations in 2019.
The Foundation was able to distribute a total of $17,284 in funding in 2019, our first year offering these grants.
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Rear-tine rototiller to assist volunteers with the pantry garden that will also assist with other volunteer activities related to demonstration plots, and restoration.
Equipment for volunteers doing invasive species removal.
Tools, material, and educational markers and print materials for prairie restoration for prairie classroom.
Purchase of equipment to assist volunteers with the restoration of Festge Park.
$1,000 towards the Make a Memory educational programs for senior adults and $871 for the purchase of plants for the Prairie Plant Propagation Garden planted by volunteers and used for educational programs.
Marcella’s Bedroom renovation in the farmhouse museum.
Interpretive signage fabrication for the agroforestry demonstration areas.
Domain name, maps, brochures, and speaker to enhance outdoor learning and community involvement.
Creation of content for a restored and moved informational/educational kiosk. The restoration and move of the kiosk will be done by Parks staff with parks funding, and this grant will be used to create content informed by a volunteer kiosk manager who will refresh content a minimum of four times a year.
Oak trees to be planted by volunteers on stream easements to create awareness of how providing shade trees protect coldwater resources.
Creation of the Outdoor Learning Series -- 12 educational events -- in Southwest Dane County.
Donate to help support Friends and other volunteer groups leading Park initiatives in education, interpretation, accessibility, and more.